European Film Market / 60. Berlinale, Berlin (11. – 18.02.2010)
The idea and visual conception of Georgian film stand, erected on request of the GNFC, was based on display of the philosophical image of an ancient Georgian cultural tradition, according to which people tie coloured bands of textile to the branches of some special “Tree of Desire” and pray it to send the Love, Health, Good Luck and Happiness to their families. In reality, similar traditions one can find in many countries. It appears as an episode in a classic film of the ‘70s “The Tree of Desire” by Tengiz Abuladze. That was one of the most popular Soviet films. The Georgian stand should serve as the demonstration platform for Georgian films at the Berlinale. Three themes were presented:
1) MOWING FORWARD: new Georgian films; 2) A CENTURY OF MOWING IMAGES: the films of the 20th century; 3) MOVE WITH US: film locations.
Visually these three themes were distributed over vertical spaces and simultaneously integrated on the silhouette image of a tree. More than 80 photos (15 x 25 cm) were displayed there. It was completed with texts describing the work of GNFC. The site – 12 sqm / The display size – 17,50 sqm / The entire project included postcards, CDs, brochures, etc.
Die Idee und visuelle Konzeption des georgischen Standes an der EFM European Film Market, welche im Auftrag des (GNFC) realisiert wurde, basierte auf das philosophische Erscheinungsbild einer uralten georgischen Kulturtradition. Nach dieser Tradition bringen die Menschen ihre Wünsche durch das Befestigen von kleinen Stoffbändchen in den Ästen eines „Wunschbaumes“ zum Ausdruck. Dabei hoffen sie auf Liebe, Gesundheit und Glück in der Familie… Dieses Thema wird in dem Filmklassiker aus den 70er Jahren “Der Baum der Wünsche“ von Tengiz Abuladze aufgegriffen. Der Film war eines der bekanntesten Filme in Sowjetzeiten.
Während der Berlinale sollte der Stand (12m2) als eine Plattform für die georgische Filmpromotion genutzt werden. Der Stand öffnete sich eckartig zum Haupteingang am 1 OG des Hotel Marriott. Die vertikale Fläche zeigte auf 17,50 m2 eine Baumsilhouette, worauf mehr als 80 Fotos (15 x 20cm) zu sehen waren. Der Fokus lag auf den neuesten- und die im 20. Jhd. entstanden Filme, als auch auf die bekanntesten Drehorte in Georgien. Das gesamte Designpaket umfasste Broschüren, Flyer, Postkarten, CD Hüllen, ect.
GEORGIAN NATIONAL FILM CENTER / EFM Marriott Hotel / stand Nr. 111
The stand Nr. 111 was well-visited over the entire course of the trade fair and the guests were positively surprised by presence of Georgian film at the Berlinale
Ulrich Gregor visited the Georgian stand
THE TREE OF DESIRE – the unusual design of the stand Nr. 111 echoed the overarching theme, architectonically and caught attention of visitors to Georgian film
THE TREE OF DESIRE / Natvris Khe (Ge) / Drevo Jelanii (Ru) / directed by Tengis Abuladze / UDSSR, 1976, 100 min., colour
Film on youtube (Georgian-language only)
This film is about psychology of people, about lonesome persons, about terrible mentality and about fantastic dreams. The place is Georgia at the beginning of the 20th century. That's how director Tenghiz Abuladze described his film: "“The Tree of Desire” is a film about the people lit up by a dream. Every character has its own ideal. One is worshipping the skies, another the earth, some idolize the body, others elevate the spirit. Some destroy the body, others the soul..."