German Film Showcase / Film Event, Discussions, Master Classes / Tbilisi International Film Festival (2002 – 2008)

MADE IN GERMANY is a German film showcase since 2002, within the scope of the international film festival in Tbilisi. MADE IN GERMANY was founded by the film production MEDEA Irina Kurtishvili and Matthias Haeb, (photo above) in cooperation with Goethe-Institute to promote the cultural exchange between two countries. In the context of MADE IN GERMANY we have demonstrated more than 60 fiction, documentary and short films made within seven years. Movies were shown in German language with Georgian subtitles. Some films were followed by discussions and lectures by critics and filmmakers. This event also includes master classes and seminars. The German directors and film-makers were invited to the presentations in Tbilisi to present their own works and participate in the creative exchange.
MADE IN GERMANY took place from 2002 to 2008 and was supported from German films Service + Marketing GmbH (Munich), Filmstiftung NRW (Düsseldorf) and well-known German enterprises, such as BMW Group and Wella. Many thanks at this point to all the partners, co-organizers and sponsors, and all the people who helped to make this project possible for more than seven years.
Irina Kurtishvili, artistic director of Made in Germany
MADE IN GERMANY ist eine Deutsche Filmreihe, die seit 2002 im Rahmen des Internationalen Filmfestivals in Tbilissi läuft. Dies unterstreicht die starke Präsenz des deutschen Films in Georgien. Diese Präsenz ist durch die Gestaltung eines interessanten Film- und Rahmenprogramms, durch professionelle Werbung und verstärkte Medienarbeit möglich geworden. MADE IN GERMANY wurde von MEDEA Filmproduktion Irina Kurtishvili und Matthias Haeb (Foto oben) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Goethe-Institut gegründet, mit dem Ziel, den Kulturaustausch zwischen den zwei Ländern zu fördern. Die Filmreihe zeigt sowohl zeitgenössische, als auch klassische deutsche Filmproduktionen. In den Jahren von 2002 bis 2008 haben wir über 60 Spiel-, Dokumentar- und Kurzfilme gezeigt.
MADE IN GERMANY wurde von German Films Service + Marketing GmbH (München), Filmstiftung NRW (Düsseldorf), und Unternehmen wie BMW Group und Wella gefördert. An dieser Stelle einen herzlichen Dank an die Partner, Co-organisatoren, Sponsoren und all diejenigen, die am Zustandekommen des MADE IN GERMANY über sieben Jahre mitgewirkt haben.
Irina Kurtishvili, Künstlerische Leiterin Made in Germany
This series of bilingual posters illustrate the concept of cultural exchange with basic graphic elements. The circles are a metaphor for film projection and symbolize the fusion of ideas. The design also pays homage to the visual language of Russian Constructivism and the aesthetics that represent revolution. The focal points, or centers of the design, feature an image characteristic of Georgia. *1

The designer Andrea Tinnes, created a modern Georgian typeface, Avaza Mtavruli, that works well aesthetically with the Spektro Gothic typeface she designed for the German text. The typography works with the bold, predominantly primary colors to attract the eye and promote the film festival.*2 / GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR THE 21ST CENTURY / Taschen Verlag, Cologne
1. Die innere Sicherheit
2. Die Unberührbare
3. Nichts bereuen
4. Mondscheintarif
5. Paradiso
6. Freitagnacht
Children's Film:
7. Emil und die Detektive

The designs for the first two posters (2002/2003) are virtually the same, with the color scheme shift being the primary change. Andrea Tinnes used high-contrast colors – black and yellow – as backgrounds to attract attention to the festival graphics. *3 / NOWHERE IN AFRICA directed by Caroline Link - Winner of the 2002 Best Foreign Language Film Oscar, as well as five 2002 German Film Awards
1. Nirgendwo in Afrika
2. Bella Martha
3. Eine Hand voll Grass
4. Der Felsen
5. England
6. Schule
Film Showcase Andreas Dresen:
7. Nachtgestalten
8. Halbe Treppe
9. Die Polizistin
Children's Films:
10. Pünktchen und Anton
11. Jimmy the Kid

The 2004 poster uses red to reference the Rose Revolution experienced in Georgia. Budget constraints prompted the use of only two colors, but the designer achieved beautiful results. The use of alternating paragraphs with black and white type on blocks of medium blue creates the impression of more colors. Photographic images handled in duotones look rich and provide additional depth to the Layout.*4
1. Herr Lehmann
2. Good bye, Lenin!
3. Lichter
4. Narren
5. Gate to Heaven
6. Science Fiction
8. Scherbentanz
Children's Films:
9. Sass
10. 4 Freunde & 4 Pfoten

DER UNTERGANG, known in English as Downfall, a film about the last days of Adolf Hitler, magnificently portrayed by Bruno Ganz, directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel and produced by Bernd Eichinger
1. Der Untergang
2. Sophie Scholl
3. Der neunte Tag
4. Die fetten Jahren sind vorbei
5. The Stratosphere Girl
6. Status Yo!
7. Der Tag an dem Bobby Ewing starb
8. Lost & Found
Children's Film:
9. Sergeant Pepper

The 2006 festival poster received the TDC53 Award in the category of best typography / Award Type Directors Club New York, Certificate of Typographic Excellence, 2006
1. Knallhart
2. Requiem
3. Der Rote Kakadu
4. Sommer vorm Balkon
5. Krisana-Fallen
6. Gespenster
Children's Film:
7. Die wilden Hühner

Christian Petzold's dramatic-thriller YELLA is a stylish and deliciously suspenseful mystery. Leading actress Nina Hoss won the Silver Bear at this years Berlinale for her performance in Yella
1. Pingpong
2. Vier Minuten
3. Yella
4. Sehnsucht
5. Ein Freund von mir
Retrospective Rainer Werner Fassbinder:
6. Die Ehe der Maria Braun
7. Chinesische Roulette
8. Lili Marleen
Children's Film:
9. Die wilden Hühner und die Liebe
MADE IN GERMANY #7 (09. – 14.12.2008)

A tumult by Zviadists (the supporters of the late Georgian president Zviad Gamsakhurdia) in front of Amirani Cinema / Photography by Nugsar Nosadze
1. Auf der anderen Seite
2. Die Fälscher
3. Free Rainer – Dein Fernsehen lügt
4. Am Ende kommen Touristen
5. Auge in Auge – Eine deutsche Filmgeschichte
6. Die große Depression – Made in Germany
7. Prinzessinnen Bad
*1 /* 2 /* 3 /* 4 Sean Adams, Noreen Morioka and Terry Lee Stone (Ed.) / COLOR DESIGN / A REAL-WORLD GUIDE TO USING COLOR IN GRAPHIC DESIGN / Workbook / Rockport Publishers