Exhibition Centre in the Ringturm / Vienna (10.10.2018 – 30.11.2018)

Photography by Richard Tanzer
The exhibition puts the spotlight on the richness of Georgian culture and architecture. Following on from the 2016 show on Tbilisi, the scope of this show extends beyond the borders of the country’s capital with a look at the architecture of Gori – a town lying to the west of Tbilisi in the heartlands of the Georgia – as well as the country’s second city Kutaisi, the spa town Tskaltubo, and the port of Batumi on the Black Sea Coast.
The exhibition showcases a selection of exceptional 20th-century buildings: examples of understated, neoclassical Art Noveau in the capital bearing Russian influences; architecturally and historically significant buildings constructed during the decades of Soviet rule that tell a story of autonomous development in terms of their dimensions, room design and materials; striking modern architecture built during the presidency of Mikheil Saakashvili, and recent projects in the up-and-coming port of Batumi.
Die Ausstellung der Reihe „Architektur im Ringturm“ knüpft an die 2016 gezeigte Schau über die Architektur in Georgiens Hauptstadt an und wirft einen Blick über die Grenzen Tiflis hinaus: in die Stadt Gori, westlich von Tiflis im georgischen Kernland, nach Kutaissi, der zweitgrößten Stadt des Landes, in den Kurort Zqaltubo und in die Hafenstadt Batumi am Schwarzen Meer.
Einzigartige Bauten des 20.Jahrhunderts werden vorgestellt: von den in dezentem Klassizismus russischer Prägung gestalteten Jugendstilbauten in der Hauptstadt, den architektonisch sowie kulturgeschichtlich bedeutenden Bauten aus den Jahrzehnten der Zugehörigkeit zur Sowjetunion – die in Dimension, Raumkomposition und Baumaterialien eine eigenständige Entwicklung darstellen – über die markant modernistischen Architekturen aus der Regierungszeit Micheil Saakaschwilis bis hin zu den jüngsten Entwicklungen der aufstrebenden Hafenstadt Batumi.
Curators: Adolph Stiller, Vienna & Irina Kurtishvili, Cologne
KLEINEZEITUNG / October 10, 2018 / Link to full article (German)
SALZBURGER NACHRICHTEN / October 10, 2018 / Link to full article (German)


The ruins of the sanatorium “CENTROSOYUZ” (Central Union) in Tskaltubo / Architects: A. Intskirveli and T. Potskhishvili, 1954-1957

The ruins of the sanatorium “CENTROSOYUZ” / Architects: A. Intskirveli and T.Potskhishvili, 1954-1957

Sanatorium “CENTROSOYUZ” / Photo: Book “Sunny Georgia”, 1970s

Former sanatorium “METALLURG” in Tskaltubo / Architects: V. Kedia and N. Solovjova, 1950-1957, Today sanatorium houses refugees from Abkhazia

Sanatorium “METALLURG”, second floor plan of the building /Architects: V. Kedia and N. Solovjova, 1950-1957

Sanatorium “SHAKHTIOR” (Miner) in Tskaltubo / Architects: G.Khimshiashvili and G. Melegi, 1952

Sanatorium “SHAKHTIOR”, ground floor plan /Architects: G. Khimshiashvili and G. Melegi, 1952

Bath #6 was built by project of the architects: G. Khimshiashvili and M. Tarasov. Construction of the building was begun in April, 1950 and was finished in a record time (9 months) on January 1, 1951

Bath #6 / The main entrance, pools and halls are decorated with Georgian marble, mosaic, ceramics and precious wood materials / Photo: Book “Sunny Georgia”, 1970s